Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 3 reading response

1. How might you use the information this would produce, in differentiating? What would you, personally, want to add to or remove from this inventory? Explain.

I absolutely love these surveys. I think they would be so handy to keep on fill throughout the school year. That way I could go back to them for information about the students and also use the information to do something special for the students. The one on page 101 I like how it asks the students what type of person they are when they learn. That survey would really be helpful with creating different study groups or groups for assignments because I could then have a person of each type in the group so that the groups are very well rounded. Also if certain students need it quiet when working I can know the ways that they learn better. On that survey I would maybe add a section for in the middle. Because there maybe some students that like it quiet but would not mind if there was a little music playing. In that section the students could give a brief elaboration on why they put it there. The other interest survey I would maybe use it as a student of the month or something like that. I would point out some of the highlights from the students survey so that all the students can learn more about the students.

What are some relationships you see between this variety of inventory types, and what we are beginning to learn about differentiating content, or process, or product for readiness, or learning profile, or interest?

Once again I must say that I absolutely love these inventories. I think they are such a great tool to use. I love how the first ones have smiley faces and frowny faces on them. These inventories help differentiate because they cover so many different things, and in different ways. They are not all the same inventory done the same way for all students. The inventories seem to be done an open ended question. These inventories are done in so many ways like drawing, writing, circling and so on. I have been learning how important it is to make sure that we teach to all different types of learners. Not all of our students learn the same way.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 2 response

1. The definition that makes sense to me is where she says, "teachers must take into account who they are teaching as well as what they are teaching. The goal is to plan actively and consistently to help each learner move as far and as fast as possible along a learning continuum." After reading that definition I had a better grasp on the concept of differentiation.

2b. "Will I be affirmed as a person here? Is there a real contribution for me to make in this place? Will what goes on in here seem purposeful to me? Will it make me realize I have power within me? Will I feel a satisfaction that comes from a challenge conquered?". I like that quote because that truly is what the student's think. It is important that we do not just feel like we are only teaching the students how to multiply or about the American Revolution, but we are teaching them that they are excepted as the person they are. What we teach them needs to have a purpose for them. The students really need to know the amount of power each of them have within them.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Answers about me!!!

1. Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. No matter what grade I teacher I can use this book as a teach read aloud. All of the students can know what it is like to be "different" and that it is ok to be "different."

2. Lost, American Idol, America's got talent! Well I have really enjoyed not having TV for the last 8 months. After getting married we really did not want to spend money on cable and really did not have time to watch tv (even during the summer). So if I ever get a minute to watch something I will just go online to watch it. You can find every show online now these days- its great!!!

3. My latest thing I have been collecting is children's book. I loved having lots of children's books to read when I was younger at home, and so I wanted a collection of my own at home and also use them in my classroom. When I have my nieces and nephews over them absolutely love to read them. I even enjoy reading them myself lately.

4. I keep a blog, devenandkellie.blogspot.com On my blog I like to write about things that I do in my life. This is a great way I can keep people updated about our lives and what new things are going on for us. Especially since my parents live in Washington they love to be able to see pictures and read about is happing in my life. As well as my friends I have all over the country.

5. 1. Peer relationships
2. Art or music appreciation
3. sports

6. I have never taken an outside of school art class. However, I decorate cakes at Baskin Robbins and I love to make crafts!! Having a new home I am constantly wanting to decorate it and make new crafts for it. I love doing lots of art projects and designing a new cake.

7. All through out growing up, elementary through high school, I took piano lessons and voice lessons. I really enjoyed doing them and performing at recitals. But being in college I am losing those talents of mine. I keep looking to find a cheap piano so I can practice, but I'm struggling to find anything.

8. Growing up I did ballet. In high school I did pointe. I also was a cheerleader and did a lot of dancing with that outside of school. I absolutely love dancing and wish that I still was doing it.

9. When I was in junior high I loved to participate in the community theater. I was in Fiddler on the Roof and Oklahoma. In the plays I was a singer and dancer. I'm not very good at acting so I would prefer to sing and dance in plays.

10. I was born and raised in Washington. My family has a big farm, orchard and french fry plant there. I loved growing up in a small farm town because everyone knows everyone. Even after living here for over 3 years I am still trying to get used to not knowing anyone in the grocery stories or driving down the street :(. And lastly I met my husband when I was subbing at the school his mom was the secretary at. She came to the classroom I was in and asked if I would meet her son....and now we are happily married :) !!!! And my brothers always told me I would never meet my husband if I was a substitute....they were very wrong.